Mike is doing some work on an application that started life as SQL Server. Now that it has been converted to Oracle, there are one or two bits that could still do with a little fine tuning.
One particular procedure seemed to take rather a lot of time, and several developers had tried to get better performance out of it without much success. Here it is:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE getupdatedrunids ( p_customer_id IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL , pc_results_out IN OUT SYS_REFCURSOR ) AS v_fetch_status INTEGER := 0; v_sql_status INTEGER; v_fetch_status1 INTEGER := 0; v_sql_status1 INTEGER; v_event_id VARCHAR2(50); v_runid NUMBER(10, 0); v_count_run_conns INTEGER := 0; v_temp_runs INTEGER; BEGIN DELETE FROM temp_runs; DELETE FROM temp_run_connections; INSERT INTO temp_runs ( run_id ) SELECT DISTINCT i.run_id FROM event_status i , run_status b WHERE i.run_id = b.run_id AND i.event_id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT i.event_id FROM event_status i , run_status b WHERE i.run_id = b.run_id AND b.customer_id = p_customer_id GROUP BY i.event_id HAVING COUNT(i.run_id) > 1) AND b.customer_id = p_customer_id; BEGIN v_temp_runs := 0; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_temp_runs FROM dual WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM temp_runs ); END; IF v_temp_runs > 0 THEN DECLARE CURSOR c_runs IS SELECT DISTINCT run_id FROM temp_runs; BEGIN OPEN c_runs; FETCH c_runs INTO v_runid; IF c_runs%NOTFOUND THEN v_sql_status1 := 2; v_fetch_status1 := -1; ELSE v_sql_status1 := 0; v_fetch_status1 := 0; END IF; WHILE v_fetch_status1 = 0 LOOP BEGIN DECLARE CURSOR cust_incidents_cs IS SELECT DISTINCT i.event_id FROM event_status i WHERE i.run_id = v_runid AND i.rejected = 0; BEGIN OPEN cust_incidents_cs; FETCH cust_incidents_cs INTO v_event_id; IF cust_incidents_cs%NOTFOUND THEN v_sql_status := 2; v_fetch_status := -1; ELSE v_sql_status := 0; v_fetch_status := 0; END IF; <<i_loop1>> WHILE v_fetch_status = 0 LOOP BEGIN INSERT INTO temp_run_connections ( run_id , connectedids) SELECT DISTINCT v_runid , i.run_id AS connectedids FROM event_status i WHERE i.run_id < v_runid AND i.event_id = v_event_id AND i.rejected = 0 AND i.run_id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT run_id FROM temp_runs ); <<fetchnext>> FETCH cust_incidents_cs INTO v_event_id; IF cust_incidents_cs%NOTFOUND THEN v_sql_status := 2; v_fetch_status := -1; ELSE v_sql_status := 0; v_fetch_status := 0; END IF; END; END LOOP; CLOSE cust_incidents_cs; END; FETCH c_runs INTO v_runid; IF c_runs%NOTFOUND THEN v_sql_status1 := 2; v_fetch_status1 := -1; ELSE v_sql_status1 := 0; v_fetch_status1 := 0; END IF; END; END LOOP; CLOSE c_runs; END; END IF; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO v_count_run_conns FROM temp_run_connections; IF v_count_run_conns > 0 THEN OPEN pc_results_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT run_id, connectedids FROM temp_run_connections; END IF; END getupdatedrunids;
His final version was much faster. See if you can spot the difference:
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE getupdatedrunids ( p_customer_id IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL , pc_results_out IN OUT SYS_REFCURSOR ) AS BEGIN OPEN pc_results_out FOR SELECT DISTINCT e2.run_id, ic.run_id AS connectedids FROM run_status r1 , run_status r2 , event_status e1 , event_status e2 WHERE r1.customer_id = p_customer_id AND r2.customer_id = r1.customer_id AND e1.run_id = r2.run_id AND e1.rejected = 0 AND e2.run_id = r1.run_id AND e2.event_id = e1.event_id AND e2.run_id > e1.run_id AND e2.rejected = 0 ORDER BY 1, 2; END getupdatedrunids;
and of course, running a simple SQL cursor with that statement would be completely impossible!
What I have heard, SQL Server developer like/have to use temporary tables, which is completely nonsense in Oracle.
That's about 1 to 1 transfer of code without looking at the target platform...
Thanks for sharing, this is great stuff!
I work on a vendor application that was ported from Sybase to Oracle, where they never bothered to get rid of all the Sybase trash, which is very similar to what you're showing here.
I worked with Oracle migration workbench and it produces similar results... They did the same work that a silly translator can do!
Soon... we will be replaced by a very small script... performance will s*ck too, but caffeine budget will be lower.
how bizarre
the second example should be the more complicated since you can do the same in sqlserver - only without the ref cursor.
ah well.
I have worked on Oracle almost all my life, only recently getting my hands dirty with SQL Server, MySQL and other databases and slowly begin to realize that some of the things that Oracle provides had been taken for granted until you see and work with non-oracle databases.
My best guess will go for this beautiful condition.
AND e1.run_id = r2.run_id
AND e2.run_id = r1.run_id
AND e2.run_id > e1.run_id
Having said that original block I am not able to figure out how the original code will go past the first run_id
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