Thursday, January 19, 2006

When is a BLOB not a blob?

When it's a Bee-Lob, apparently. If think you know how to pronounce some of the more common Oracle-related words, you have to check Eddie Awad's post, "Char or Car", and the follow-up comments...


Rab Boyce said...

but is it Oracle 'what the f***' or
Oracle 'dpouble u Tee eff ' or
oracle 'witif'?

or indeed, is it 'ora cul' or 'ora clee'?

Tony Andrews said...

I can't imagine saying "vare-care" with a straight face. Anyway, who pronounces character like "care-actor"? It is almost impossible to pronounce "char" on its own the same way as in "character" - it would be more like "kah" than "care".

I used to pedantically spell out S-Q-L all the time because "sequel" sounded silly. But when you use a term 100 times a day for years, you end up saying whatever takes the least effort really.

Anyway, must get back to my hatmeldub...

Rab Boyce said...

not hatmeldub?, what is this, the ninnytees?

Adrian said...

Try "squill", far less effort than either S-Q-L or sequel.

Rab Boyce said...

what about sqil?