Back when I first started out as a trainee Forms developer, one of my colleagues had the bright idea of implementing some "CONNECT BY PRIOR" logic step by step, in Forms. The trigger would add a new blank record to the block, then retrieve the next row into it with SELECT INTO, then loop around until there were no more rows to process or Hell froze over. Perhaps unsurprisingly, it was a close thing.
I mentioned to Scott Swank that we were always on the lookout for material, and he sent me the following code that he'd come across (after editing it for brevity and anonymity), and somehow it reminded me of that old Forms trigger. This pattern is repeated ten times throughout the code, checking for various child attributes by (how else?) looping through all the records one by one until the desired attribute is found not to be true (and if something is not untrue then it must be true, right?)
PROCEDURE has_an_attribute ( x IN VARCHAR2, resultout OUT VARCHAR2 ) IS l_parent_id VARCHAR2 (30); CURSOR c_child IS SELECT an_attribute FROM child_table WHERE parent_id = l_parent_id; BEGIN l_parent_id := some_function(x); resultout := 'COMPLETE:Y'; FOR v_child IN c_child LOOP IF v_child.an_attribute = 'N' THEN resultout := 'COMPLETE:N'; EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; END;
This is the behaviour i have seen maybe thousands of time. Some developers like plsql and hate sql, or they learn plsql without learning sql.
"But this is must be more efficient than SQL, because Oracle does a full table scan!"
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